
Incoming Elders

Alicia Wilson Baker

Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Free Methodist Church

Briefly describe your testimony of coming to Christ…

I came to know Christ at a young age and was raised in the church by wonderful parents who showed me what it meant to love God and love others! I continue to learn more about Christ and his love every day.

Briefly describe your understanding of God’s calling on your life…

I have always felt a calling on my life to love people, serve others, and to seek justice. I want to walk alongside people as we seek shalom – right relationship – with God, self, others, and environment.

How did you come to the Free Methodist Church?

I went to Azusa Pacific University for my undergraduate studies and did a summer internship with the Center for Transformational Leadership under Kelly Soifer at LLCF Long Beach. I then continued to serve at FMC Santa Barbara in youth and children’s ministries.