
Incoming Elders

Joel Silva

Long Beach, Light & Life Christian Fellowship – North

Briefly describe your testimony of coming to Christ…

I grew up in a family of ministers that unknowingly served a cult. In ’98 the Lord miraculously delivered us from its grip and brought my family to the US. God placed various true Christians in my life so that when I reached college and came across Campus Crusade I came to know the gospel, began following Jesus, became baptised, experienced transformation, and discovered a passion and gift for ministry.

Briefly describe your understanding of God’s calling on your life…

The LORD has willed for me to serve him as a minister. Though unworthy, he has paved a path for me to serve him as a shepherd to his flock. Through dreams, prophecies, passion, and communal affirmation, my calling is unmistakable. He has also shaped my character to withstand the pressures of ministry and has gifted me with the gifts of a shepherd, teacher, and evangelist.

How did you come to the Free Methodist Church?

I would say the Free Methodist Church chose me! Through a recommendation from a respected mentor of mine I came to Light & Life Christian Fellowship and shortly learned of its affiliation, which I came to proudly embrace after discernment and many discussions with my pastors.