
Incoming Elders

Mario Bravo-Lamas

Azusa, Iglesia Confraternidad Cristiana

Briefly describe your testimony of coming to Christ…

I was raised in a non-christian family. After some tragedies in my family a friend invited me to the church. I was 16 years old when I had a supernatural encounter with Christ in a church’s leadership retreat in Temuco, Chile.

Briefly describe your understanding of God’s calling on your life…

God has called me to love him and others by, with a missional and pastoral heart, teaching the (Latino) church to live with coherence, deepness and relevance.

How did you come to the Free Methodist Church?

I started to assist to Iglesia Confraternidad Cristiana of Azusa 4 years ago when we move from Chile to California. A friend recommended me because he met pastor Jonatan many years ago.